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今年3月底,我辞亲别友,兴冲冲地登上飞机前往前南斯拉夫波黑共和国首府萨拉热窝,准备进行为期一年的进修学习。对于萨拉热窝我并不陌生。15年前在波黑共和国的班加卢卡高等师范学院留学时,我就多次到过这座历史名城。这里的人民和山山水水曾给了我美好的印象。然而,没想到故地重游并未令我欣喜,却在我心中留下了不尽的哀痛。萨拉热窝位于波黑共和国的东部一块狭长的谷地中,四周群山环抱,米梁茨卡河穿越全市。这座城市初建于1263年。14世纪后,它曾长期被土耳其人占领,是当时奥斯曼帝国重要的军事和商业中心。19世纪后半叶,奥匈帝国又取代了土耳其人,并于1908年正式兼并了波黑,萨拉热窝又成为奥匈帝国 At the end of March this year, I gave my speech to my dear friend and boarded the plane to Sarajevo, the capital of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the former Yugoslavia, preparing for a one-year advanced study. I am no stranger to Sarajevo. When I was studying in Bengaluru Higher Normal University in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 years ago, I visited this historic city many times. The people here and the mountains and rivers have given me a good impression. However, I did not expect the re-visit did not make me happy, but in my heart left endless sorrow. Sarajevo is located in a narrow valley in the eastern part of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, surrounded by mountains and the Mljetka River crosses the city. The city was first built in 1263. After the 14th century, it was occupied by the Turks for a long time and was an important military and commercial center of the Ottoman Empire at the time. In the second half of the 19th century, the Austro-Hungarian Empire replaced the Turks again and formally annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, and Sarajevo became the Austro-Hungarian Empire
【内容摘要】新课程标准提出之后,对于生物的教学有了明确的指定:了解模型建立的方式方法是未来在科研教育领域中主要应用的方法,现在的教育方式下学校应该大力培养学生的建模思维。那么对于现在来说,就首先应该要求教师掌握模型构建的方法,然后才能够进行教学。所以教师要在进行教学的同时注意学生建模思想的养成,使之获得基础的知识。  【关键词】模型 高中生物 课堂教学  高中生物的学习是比较抽象化的,模型构建的应