近年来,"QQ体"、"淘宝体"、"非诚体"等各种所谓的流行体不断出现,在人们日常交际中广为传播,影响我们的语言和社会生活。模因论从社会生物学角度出发,为我们分析这一现象提供了新的视角。"××体"作为语言形式在人际不断被模仿复制传播,是一种活跃的语言模因。在"××体"形成、变异并传播的生命周期中,其传播类型发生变化,且社会实践始终与其密不可分,为其提供诱因,动力以及语义理解时的语境,反之"××体"作为一种强势的语言模因,反映了其宿主的需求和情感,也影响人们的话语模式,推动社会实践的发展。“,”In recent years,the so-called popular body of "QQ form","Taobao form","Non-honest form" and others continually emerged and widely spread in people's daily communication,which impact on our language and social life.From the view of social biology,the Memetics provided a new perspective for we analyze this phenomenon.As a form of language,the "×× form" continue to be imitated,copied and disseminate in interpersonal communication is a dynamic language meme.In the life-cycle of the formation,mutation and the spread of the "×× form",its type of communication changes,and the social practice has always been inextricably linked with it,to provide the incentives,the power and the context of semantic understand,on the contrary,as a strong language model,he "×× form" reflected the needs and emotions of its host,also affect the people's speech patterns,and promote development of social practice.