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长期以来受传统观念的影响,初中历史学科的主体地位一直难以引起足够的重视。学生、家长甚至老师和学校领导都把历史学科当成副科。由于片面强调主科学习,忽视历史的学习,导致学生在课堂上极度厌学,老师受学生情绪的影响,也产生厌教心理,初中历史教学面临严重的困境。通过多年来在教学一线的教学感受,我个人认为造成历史难教、学生厌学的原因有以下几个方面:一、思想观念滞后是影响初中历史教学的重要原因历史无用论思想充斥着人们的大脑。大多数人普遍认为学历 For a long time, influenced by the traditional concepts, the dominant position of the history of junior high school has been difficult to attract enough attention. Students, parents and even teachers and school leaders regard history as an associate section. Due to the one-sided emphasis on the study of the main subjects and the neglect of the study of history, the students are extremely tired of class in the classroom. The teachers are also influenced by the emotions of the students. They also produce annoying psychology. The history teaching of junior high schools faces a serious predicament. Through years of teaching experience in the teaching field, I personally think that the reasons for causing history to be hard to teach and students are tired of learning include the following: First, the lagging ideological and moral values ​​are the important reasons that influence the history teaching of junior middle school. The historical thoughts of uselessness are filled with people brain. Most people generally think of qualifications