管好住房资金 提高使用效益

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自1993年9月以来,湖北省谷城县财政部门充分发挥新设立的财政住房资金管理中心的职能作用,在政府、银行及各部门的大力支持和配合下,对住房资金的筹集、使用实行全面管理,保证了住房资金的滚动增值,收到了较好的效果。截至1998年7月,全县参加房改的240个单位,有220个单位建立了住房公积金制度,占92%,17 000名职工建立了个人住房公积金账户,累计归集房改资金3 000万元。同时,他们利用房改资金,粘合其他资金,逐步改善城镇住房条件,新建住房15万平方米,2 000户住房困难户乔迁新居。实践证明,住房资金管得好用得活,不仅能够巩固房改成果,而且能够积极有效地把房改工作推向深入。 Since September 1993, the financial department of Gucheng County in Hubei Province has given full play to the functional role of the newly-established financial housing fund management center. With the strong support and cooperation from the government, banks and various departments, the fund-raising and implementation of housing funds Comprehensive management, ensuring the rolling value of housing funds, has received good results. As of July 1998, the county participated in 240 housing reform units, 220 units established a housing provident fund system, accounting for 92%, 17 000 workers to establish a personal housing provident fund account, the cumulative collection of housing reform funds 30 million yuan. At the same time, they used the funds for housing reform to bond with other funds and gradually improved the housing conditions in urban areas. They newly built 150,000 square meters of housing and moved 2,000 families with difficult homes to move to new homes. Practice has proved that housing fund management is easy to use, not only to consolidate the results of housing reform, but also to actively and effectively push forward the housing reform.
在女性知识分子特别是一部分白领中,工作、事业及个人的生活质量往往都排在十分重要的位置,她们中的很多人崇尚单身贵族或二人世界的生活,拒绝生育儿女。是否生育,每个人有自己选择的权利,但是医生提醒她们,未生育过的妇女容易发生激素依赖性疾病,应注意防患于未然。    NO.1一次完整的孕育过程能增加10年的免疫力    有关研究文献表明,女性在其一生中如果有一次完整的孕育过程,就能增加10年的免疫力,这种
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