Semiconductor devices (transistors, triodes, thyristors, integrated circuits) are an important part of the electronic system of airborne equipment. Its functional reliability directly affects or determines the reliability of electronic systems. Due to the special working environment and high technical requirements of aeronautic products, the semiconductor devices are subject to the combined effects of electrical stress, thermal stress, climate stress and mechanical stress in the working state, which determines that the failure rate of the semiconductor device is affected by many loads The impact of factors. Therefore, the device failure process is a multi-dimensional, non-stationary random process, determined by many factors. Device failure and workload, the inherent quality of the process, environmental conditions, screening process and other factors. In essence, the quality control of aeronautical semiconductor devices must be controlled from the inherent quality of the device, the use of the device, and the aging screening of the device. These three links are inherently linked, indispensable.