谷子的原种来源有两个方面:一是由原原种经过一次繁殖的种子;二是经过二圃制的程序生产的,符合国家规定的原种标准的种子。二圃制生产原种.采用的是改良混合选择法。它有三个环节:即单穗选择、穗行比较、混合繁殖。本文就其理论依据、主要技术、实践结果三个方面加以论述。理论依据 (一)谷子是自花援粉作物。作物的传粉方式直接牵涉到原种生产的体制和隔离问题。谷子的天然杂交率一般为0.5%左右,同行混播为2.3%,隔行间播为1.27%。据实践,我们认为谷子的原种生产不需三圃
There are two sources of the origin of millet: one is the seed that has once been propagated from the original seed; the other is the seed that has passed through the procedures of No.2 Nursery and meets the original seed standard stipulated by the state. Two nursery production of the original species is used to improve the hybrid selection method. It has three aspects: a single spike selection, ear comparison, mixed breeding. This article discusses its theoretical basis, main techniques and practical results. Theoretical basis (a) millet is self-Anding crops. The pollination of crops directly involves the institutional and isolation issues of the original species. The natural hybridization rate of millet is generally about 0.5%, peer compaction is 2.3%, inter-broadcast is 1.27%. According to practice, we believe that the original production of millet need not three nurseries