上海新华医院包括成人部与儿科两部分,各自有独用的门诊、住院和辅助医疗等部门。儿科部还担负有教学任务。本文主要介绍在儿科大楼设计中的一些体会。 一、门诊路线的组织 在儿科医院中,如何处理一般门诊与隔离门诊(或称传染病门诊)的主要路线之间的关系,是避免相互感染的一个重要环节。儿科大楼共设置了6个初检室,平时仅开放一二个作为一般门诊入口,其余的封闭起来作为备用室。一般病儿先在初检室经过初步检查,再进入大厅挂号,到各科诊病取药,然后由西翼出口处离院。需要住院的,则到大楼中部底层入院处办理入院手续,经过卫生处理后,住院治疗。
Shanghai Xinhua Hospital consists of two parts: the adult department and the paediatric department. They have separate outpatient, inpatient and auxiliary medical departments. The Pediatric Department also undertakes teaching tasks. This article mainly introduces some experiences in the design of paediatric building. First, the organization of the outpatient route In the paediatric hospital, how to deal with the relationship between the general outpatient and the main line of the outpatient clinic (or infectious disease clinic) is an important link to avoid mutual infection. The Pediatric Building has set up 6 first-stage examination rooms, and only one or two are usually opened as general out-patient entrances, and the rest are closed as spare rooms. The sick children usually go through preliminary examinations in the first examination room, enter the hall for registration, go to each department to get medicine, and then leave the hospital from the exit of the West Wing. If hospitalization is required, admission to the hospital on the ground floor of the building will be handled. After sanitization, hospitalization will be provided.