Involvement of α5 integrin in survivin-mediated osteosarcoma metastasis

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longzhi2009
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Objective: To investigate the role of survivin in osteosarcoma metastasis. Methods: Small interfering RNA(si RNA) was used to knockdown the expression of survivin and α5 integrin in the human osteosarcoma cell line MG63. Western blotting and immunostaining methods was used to assessed the effect of survivin knockdown on the expression of α5 integrin through flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy detection. Meanwhile, the invasion and migration of transfected cells in Transwell and wound healing assays were probed, and the growth situation of these cells transplanted into nude mice was monitored. Results: Knockdown of survivin expression could inhibit the invasion and migration of osteosarcoma MG64 cells in vitro and the expression of α5 integrin on osteosarcoma MG64 cell surface, suggesting that survivin can inhibit the invasion and migration of osteosarcoma cells through downregulation of α5 integrin. Anti-α5 integrin antibody could also markedly decrease the capability of invasion and migration of osteosarcoma MG64 cells. Additionally, knockdown of survivin expression could slow the growth of osteosarcoma MG63 cells transplanted into nude mice. Conclusions: Survivin-directed anti-tumor strategies might be an effective method in the treatment of osteosarcoma. Methods: Small interfering RNA (si RNA) was used to knockdown the expression of survivin and α5 integrin in the human osteosarcoma cell line MG63. Western blotting and immunostaining methods was used to assess the effect of survivin knockdown on the expression of α5 integrin through flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy detection. Meanwhile, the invasion and migration of transfected cells in Transwell and wound healing assays were probed, and the growth situation of these cells transplanted into nude mice was monitored. Results: Knockdown of survivin expression could inhibit the invasion and migration of osteosarcoma MG64 cells in vitro and the expression of a5 integrin on osteosarcoma MG64 cell surface, suggesting that survivin can inhibit the invasion and migration of osteosarcoma cells through downregulation of a5 integrin. Anti- α5 integrin antibody could also markedly decrease the capability of in vasion and migration of osteosarcoma MG64 cells. In addition, knockdown of survivin expression could slow the growth of osteosarcoma MG63 cells transplanted into nude mice. Conclusions: Survivin-directed anti-tumor strategies might be an effective method in the treatment of osteosarcoma.
摘 要:在幼儿生活中,随处都能看到一盆盆绿萝,一棵棵小树,一片片绿色,这些不仅为幼儿生活带来了勃勃生机,也为孩子们接触自然、了解植物、感受生命成长、增进责任意识提供了资源和机会。正如陈鹤琴先生所说:“大自然是我们的知识宝库,是我们的活教材、活教师,我们应该向它请教,向它探讨。”目前很多幼儿园都开展了养殖活动,这样的活动给幼儿提供了一个接触生命、了解生命的机会,本文主要讨论幼儿园的养殖活动的教育价值
摘 要:教育固然是一种理想的事业,教育也需要构筑理想的社会,但教育终究要面对人的活生生的现实,面对人的生存与发展的现实。真正的教育应该是关于人的现实生活的教育,正所谓“生活即教育”。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》明确指出“幼儿教育活动应该立足于幼儿一日生活中”,这也是当前幼儿教育改革的重点。因此,幼儿园教育要立足于幼儿经验,围绕幼儿实际生活,从而为幼儿科学选择课程。  关键词:生活;幼儿;教育  回归生活
摘 要:在游戏的准备活动中,设计环境布置时以情境的导入为先,再结合满足幼儿的兴趣需要投放材料;根据幼儿游戏的实际情况提供适宜的游戏材料,引导幼儿自发自主地开展游戏。教师在观察的基础上来感受介入的需要,适时、适度、适当地提供帮助,及时地提出解决的办法和调整的措施。  关键词:游戏;环境;观察  《幼儿园工作规程》明确地提出,幼儿园教育应当贯彻“以游戏为基本活动,寓教育于各项活动之中”的原则。游戏是对
20 0 2年 12月 4日至 19日 ,煤炭科学研究总院西安分院利用自行研制的MK - 7型坑道钻机 ,与铜川矿务局合作 ,在该局陈家山煤矿联合开展科技部专项资金项目“坑道大直径水平深
摘 要:手巧与心灵就像一对孪生兄弟,幼儿的动手能力与思维存在着直接的联系。所以,在幼儿园的日常教学中教师应该采取多种多样的方法来培养幼儿的动手操作能力。现代教育理论中十分重视幼儿动手能力的培养,教学中要充分地发掘幼儿的动手能力,使其获得全面的发展。  关键词:幼儿园;动手;教学;操作;思维  著名的苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“手是思想的镜子,是智力才能发展的刺激物,是意识的伟大培养者,是指挥的创造
摘 要:在当下幼儿教学活动中,要能够以游戏作为主要的内容,并且结合幼儿不同年龄段的基本特点来开展游戏内容。新时期下,要能够保证在课程中更好地融入游戏内容,并且确保幼儿都能够充分参与其中,为每位幼儿提供平等的展现自我的机会,这样对于其个性化发展具有积极的意义。只有更好地通过游戏化的课程内容来培养幼儿的综合能力,才能够为其日后的学习与发展奠定基础。  关键词:幼儿园;课程;游戏化;策略  随着新课改的