
来源 :医学信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanshangliujing
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目的:了解一年级医学生的生殖科学和性文明知识及科普传播意愿的情况。方法采用自行编制的问卷调查表,在某医学院的一年级下学期末面向789名2012级学生进行问卷调查。结果<80%的学生非常希望学习生殖科学和性文明知识,而且大多数希望通过专门的课程学习;近90%的学生首先希望学习提升性健康和相关疾病预防的实用知识,50%以上的学生希望学习能提高性文明、道德和法律修养等方面的实用知识;近63%的学生希望面向自己的同学、校友、家人及亲友传播生殖和性文明方面的科普知识,不足20%的学生愿意在家乡的城乡居民中传播这些知识。结论医学院校的绝大部分一年级学生对生殖科学和性文明知识的学习意愿很强,但是大多数人希望传播这些科普知识对象范围很有限。“,”Objective To investigate the learning and popularization of desire on reproductive & sexual civilization science among first grade medical students.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 789 new medical students of grade 2012 of a certain medical school by using self compiled questionnaires.Results Eagerly, about 80% of students hope to study the knowledge of reproductive & sexual civilization science by set ing up specialized courses. Nearly 90% of the students want to learn practical knowledge concerning sexual health and prevention of related sexual diseases. More than 50%of the students hope to study practical knowledge of sexual civilization science regarding the moral and legal aspects. Nearly 63%of the students wish to spread reproductive and sexual civilization science among their own classmates, alumni, family members, friends and relatives. Less than 20%of the students are wil ing to spread the knowledge among the urban and rural residents of their hometown. Conclusion A desire to learn reproductive&sexual civilization science is strong among the most of first grade medical students,but the targets of this knowledge spreading by the most of students are limited.
系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是一种累及身体多系统多器官、临床表现复杂、病程迁延反复的自身免疫性疾病.SLE 患者的肾脏100%会有所受累,而有50%左右的患者会发生狼疮肾炎(LN),这不
1 2007年世界最畅销的治疗呼吸系统疾病处方药 rn在2007年世界最畅销200种处方药排行榜中,治疗呼吸系统疾病用药有11个品种,品种数与2006年持平,销售总额为211.35亿美元,比20
1 2007年世界最畅销的处方药的慨况 rn2007年世界最畅销的200种处方药有如下几个新的特点:①除极个别品种外,均将多家公司销售同一产品的金额合并计算为总销售额,并分别列出2