Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It can damage the structure and function of important organs such as heart, brain and kidney, eventually leading to the failure of these organs. It is a major killer of human health. Pseudohypertension (PHT) is a special phenomenon that the blood pressure measured by cuff method is higher than that measured by arterial puncture directly. It is also a major cause of refractory hypertension. Studies have shown that pseudo-hypertension in the elderly, atherosclerosis, renal insufficiency and diabetes are more common. At present, limited research at home and abroad shows the incidence of pseudo-hypertension is 1.7% -50%. Failure to accurately identify pseudohypertensives in patients undergoing clinical treatment for over-antihypertensive treatment can result in severe under-perfusion events such as stroke and even death. Therefore, the increasing emphasis on pseudo-hypertension, this article reviews its diagnostic criteria, mechanism of production, epidemiology and so on.