1943年10月23日,在晋察冀边区阜平县市雕窝村,一位年轻的女大学生横眉冷对日军寒光闪闪的刺刀,大义凛然,壮烈牺牲.这位宁死不屈的共产党员,就是北大历史系学生王册烈士.王册祖籍河北昌黎,生于1921年12月15日.她那饱读诗书的老父亲,根据孔子《猗兰搡》中“兰当为王者香” 的典故,为她起名王者香,期盼着心爱的独生女儿慧心兰质,有所作为,不为尘世污浊所染.
On October 23, 1943, a young female college student frowned upon the glimmering bayonet of Japanese troops in the carved village of Fuping County in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region, awe-inspiring and heroic sacrifice. The compassionate communist is Peking University’s history Department of the king of books martyrs Wang book ancestral home Hebei Changli, was born in December 15, 1921. Her full reading poetry and old father, according to Confucius, “猗 搡 搡” in the “blue as the king incense” allusions, for Her name is king of incense, looking forward to beloved daughter only Hui Xinyu quality, make a difference, not for the dirt of the earth.