为了研究不同年份、不同区域以及不同部位之间烟草热解差异度,应用热重分析技术绘制了20种具有代表性的烟草微分热重曲线图,采用标准均方根误差NRMSE评价烟草样品之间的热解差异度,并利用SPSS软件的多因素方差分析研究年份、区域和部位对烟草热解差异度的影响程度.结果表明:在所研究的20种代表性烟草样品范围内,部位和省级对烟草热解差异度存在极显著的影响,县级、年份和市级对烟草热解差异度的影响不显著.“,”In order to study the pyrolysis differential between tobacco of different stalk positions, growing areas and crop years, 20 representative tobacco samples were collected and tested by TGA (Thermogravimetric analyzer) to obtain their DTG curves, the differences of which were assessed by NRMSE (Normalized root-mean-square error), and the influence degrees of crop year, growing area and stalk position were determined by ANOVA. The results showed that stalk position and growing area by province significantly affected the pyrolysis differential, while the crop year and growing area by county/city level did not.