使用先进的工艺模型可以精确计算工作辊弯辊和窜辊等辊缝执行机构所需要的设定 ,从而在考虑轧机中物料横向流动行为以及热应力对工作辊凸度影响等条件下确保优化辊缝形状。介绍奥钢联开发的改善热轧带钢板形和平直度的新型工艺包和工艺模型
The use of state-of-the-art process models accurately calculates the settings required for the roll gap actuators such as roll benders and chase rolls to ensure optimized rolls, taking account of material flow in the mill and the effect of thermal stress on the roll crown Shape. Introducing the new technology package and process model developed by VAI to improve hot-rolled strip shape and straightness