独弦琴,是京族特有的弹拨弦鸣乐器。因只有一条琴弦而得名。京语称旦匏。民间又称其为匏琴或独弦匏琴。主要流行于广西京族民间、防城、钦州和北京等地以及邻邦越南。勤劳智慧的京族人民,是越人的一支,原居越南涂山(海防市附近)一带,1 6世纪初北迁,生活在美丽富饶的北部湾畔和北仓河旁,从事渔业生产并耕种少量土地。他们主要聚居在山心、澫尾
Monocle, is unique to the Spring-and-pop String musical instruments. Named after only one string. Beijing said Dan 匏. Folk also known as the violins or soliloquy. Mainly popular in Guangxi Jing folk, Fangcheng, Qinzhou and Beijing, and neighboring Vietnam. The industrious and wise people of Kyrgyzstan are the more Vietnamese one. They lived in Tushan, Vietnam (near Hai Phong city). They moved northward in the early sixteenth century and lived beside Beibu Gulf and the Beikang River in the beautiful and rich, and engaged in fishery production. Cultivate a small amount of land. They mainly live in the heart of mountains, tail end