请允许我为大家讲有关于雕塑的三个故事:牛的故事、狮子的故事和深圳人的故事,这些故事发生在中国的年轻城市深圳,我希望通过这几个故事,以及与这些故事相关的图片来说明二十年来,中国的雕塑艺术发生了那些变化?中国的雕塑家们做了一些什么? 一、牛的故事 1988年,深圳市政府做出一个决定,把这个城市的象征——《开荒牛》的塑像由市政府的院内搬到大门外的小广场上,这一举动受到了市民的热烈欢迎,从1984年到
Let me tell you three stories about sculptures: the story of cattle, the story of a lion and the story of a people from Shenzhen that took place in the young city of Shenzhen in China. I hope that through these stories and the stories related to these stories To illustrate the changes that have taken place in Chinese sculpture in the past two decades and what did Chinese sculptors do? I. Story of Cattle In 1988, the Shenzhen Municipal Government made a decision to integrate the symbol of the city - The statue of “pioneer cow” was moved to the small square outside the main entrance by the municipal government, and this move was warmly welcomed by the public. From 1984 to