新年刚过,古城合肥“商之都”大商场开业,北京九位著名商业劳模要来这儿传经送宝、站柜台,一时轰动了合肥城,也惊动了安徽省高层领导。接着,南京商界又闻讯赶来,“夜劫”劳模去南京,这些活动先后上了中央电视台的新闻联播节目,也刊登在《人民日报》上,——这场漂亮的公关策划就是出自公关策划专家崔秀芝之手。 在此之前,笔者访问过崔秀芝。她是人民日报社公关信息部副主任、中国公关学术委员会委员。她曾创造了一个个为人称道的公关策划,引起了
Just after the New Year, Hefei, the ancient city of Commerce, opened its shopping mall. Nine well-known commercial model workers in Beijing came here to send gifts to Baoji and station counters. Hefei City suddenly aroused the high-level leaders of Anhui Province. Then, the Nanjing business community heard the news again, and “night robbery” model workers went to Nanjing. These activities successively went on the CCTV news network and were also published in the People’s Daily. This beautiful public relations plan is from the PR Cuixiuzhi planning experts hand. Prior to this, I visited Cui Xiuzhi. She is the deputy director of PR department of People’s Daily and a member of China Public Relations Academic Committee. She has created a well-known public relations plan, caused