由章鸿猷主编的《英汉计算机词汇》(第 3版 )是清华大学出版社列入新闻出版总署的 5种“十五”国家重点图书之一 ,该书的前两版已销售 2 3万册 ,第 3版的编撰工作从 1997年就开始了 ,编者们经过 6年多的努力 ,正在第 4次易稿 ,力争于年底脱稿。我们发现“《英汉计算机词汇》(第 3版 )序”能反映该书的一些编撰情况 ,提前在本刊发表以让读者先睹为快
The “English-Chinese Computer Vocabulary” (3rd edition) compiled by Zhang Hongyi is one of five “10th Five-Year” national key books listed by Tsinghua University Press as part of the General Administration of Press and Publication. The first two editions of the book have sold 23,000 copies , The third edition of the compilation work began in 1997, the editors after six years of hard work, is the fourth easy manuscript, strive to get off the end of the year. We found that the “English-Chinese Computer Vocabulary” (3rd Edition) Preface can reflect some of the compilation of the book, published in advance for readers to preview