I. INTRODUCTION The progress of the gigahertz frequency band power tube has been remarkable. Recently, transistors with a 4-dB gain of 4 watts were finally produced at 4 GHz. Almost at the same time, we also reported the work on the FT1706 transistor, which outputs 1 watt at 4 GHz with a gain of 5 dB. The special problems that need to be addressed when studying gigahertz band power transistors are: (1) reducing the emitter fall-off effect (EDE), and (2) reducing the parasitic capacitance of the semiconductor package. Among them, we pay special attention to the former, due to the reduction of EDE, we get the output of 1 watt transistors at 4 GHz. At the same time, the use of further improvements to reduce the common inductor and input-output feedback capacitor coaxial socket. As we all know, such as phosphorus emitter dope, it will significantly EDE, so not only can not reduce the base width