远端型遗传性运动神经病(distalhereditarymotor neuropathy,dHMN)是一组由于脊髓前角运动神经元退行性变引起对称性的肌无力和肌萎缩,常成年起病,病程一般缓慢发展。到目前为止,dHMN已定位9型,其中5型疾病基因已被克隆,HSP22(heat shockprotein22)基因和HSP27(heatshockprotei
Distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMN) is a group of muscular weakness and muscle atrophy caused by the degenerative changes of motor neurons in the spinal cord anterior horn. So far, dHMN has been mapped to type 9, in which type 5 disease genes have been cloned, heat shock protein 22 (HSP22) and heatshock protein