Effects of Probe Support on the Flow Field of a Low-Speed Axial Compressor

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong425
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This paper presents an investigation on the effect of probe support on the flow field of an axial compressor.The experiment is carried out in a large-scale low-speed research compressor.A cylindrical probe support intruding to 50% blade span was installed at 50% chord upstream from the rotor leading edge.The region from 5° to 32° off the probe support in the direction of rotation at the rotor outlet was measured with a 5-hole probe and a high-response total pressure probe.The experiment is performed at both near-design and near-stall points.The measuring results of 5-hole probe and high-response total pressure probe indicate that the probe blockage effect is different at different blade spans.The wake of the probe support weakens the leakage vortex intensity at the tip region,leading to greater total pressure rise.At near-design condition,the presence of probe support has a negative effect on the region from 75% to 92% span,while improves the flow field below 75% span.At near stall condition,the probe support has a negative effect on the region from 70% to 90% span,and almost has no influence on the flow field below 70% span. This paper presents an investigation on the effect of probe support on the flow field of an axial compressor. The experiment is carried out in a large-scale low-speed research compressor. A cylindrical probe support intruding to 50% blade span was installed at 50 % chord upstream from the rotor leading edge. The region from 5 ° to 32 ° off the probe support in the direction of rotation at the rotor outlet was measured with a 5-hole probe and a high-response total pressure probe. The experiment is at both near-design and near-stall points. The measuring results of 5-hole probe and high-response total pressure probe indicate that the probe blockage effect is different at different blade spans. The wake of the probe support weakens the leakage vortex intensity at the tip region, leading to greater total pressure rise. At near-design condition, the presence of probe support has a negative effect on the region from 75% to 92% span, while improves the flow field below 75% span.At near stall c ondition, the probe support has a negative effect on the region from 70% to 90% span, and almost has no influence on the flow field below 70% span.
以斑马鱼作为动物模型,通过胃肠道蠕动功能分析、胃肠道内皮细胞分泌功能检测和肠粘膜组织形态学观察等,对阿司匹林的胃肠道毒性做了初步分析.研究发现,阿司匹林浓度为50 μg
一  《小说》半月刊,1934年5月在上海创刊。第一、二期为月刊,第三期起改为半月刊,1935年3月终刊,共出十九期。  主编梁得所在《创刊旨趣》中说:  大众文艺被讨论了不少日子,实施的出品至今还很缺乏。其中一个原因是文艺大众化的具体条件未尽明了,有待继续研究。可是文艺本身目的不是研究而是欣赏,在有胃口而缺乏适合食品的大众的面前,摆一张菜单不如摆一碟点心。现在这本文艺刊物,就扔下菜单式的论著,端
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