四川省凉山州昭觉农科所于1959年引进白三叶草(T·repens)、杂三叶草(T·nybrium)、红三叶草(Trifolum prutense),进行了引种试验。1966年又作了小面积草山播种观察。三叶草逐步自然繁殖,现已在引种区的凉山州农科所所址附近,由近到远的昭觉城南方园数平方公里面积的草山、沟路旁、果林等牧地上得以成片或零星的繁殖生长。为了弄清三叶草在我州的生长繁殖特点和发展的前途,为凉山州草场建设提供依据,我们在1979—1980年选择不同自然繁殖演替地段进行了调查研究。
Sichuan Liangshan Prefecture Zhaojue Agricultural Institute in 1959 to introduce white clover (T. repens), hybrid clover (T. nybrium), red clover (Trifolum prutense), the introduction of the test. In 1966 also made a small area grass seeding observation. Clover gradually natural breeding, is now in the introduction area Liangshan Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Office near the site, from near to far in the southern park of Zhaojue City, a few square kilometers area of Caoshan, Gou Road, fruit trees and other pastures into a film or sporadic The reproductive growth. In order to clarify the characteristics of clover growth and reproduction in my state and development prospects for the construction of grassland in Liangshan Prefecture to provide the basis for the selection of different natural breeding succession in 1979-1980 were investigated.