1 保持愉快情绪 ,注意合理营养 ,以保证自身健康及胎儿需要 ,为分娩和泌乳作准备。2 孕妇衣服应宽松、柔软、舒适、冷暖适宜。宜穿平底鞋。3 一般可正常工作到 2 8周 ,2 8周后适当减轻工作量 ,避免长时间站立或重体力劳动。孕中期和孕晚期 ,注意适当休息 ,每日需 8小时睡眠 ,
1 to maintain a happy mood, pay attention to reasonable nutrition, to ensure their own health and fetal needs, to prepare for delivery and lactation. 2 Pregnant women’s clothes should be loose, soft, comfortable, well-being. Should wear flat shoes. 3 Generally can work until 28 weeks, 28 weeks after the appropriate reduction of workload, to avoid prolonged standing or heavy manual labor. Second trimester and third trimester, pay attention to proper rest, sleep 8 hours a day,