2015年4月,笔者采用波长为2 780 nm的Er,Cr∶YSGG激光治疗牙龈色素沉着患者1例,取得了良好的疗效,现报告如下。资料与方法1.临床资料患者女性,25岁,皮肤颜色稍深,上下颌唇颊侧牙龈有带状棕褐色色素沉着,无系统性疾病,无药物过敏史,无烟酒嗜好,无喝茶、饮咖啡等含色素饮料习惯。
In April 2015, I used a wavelength of 2 780 nm Er, Cr: SYGG laser treatment of gingival pigmentation in 1 patient and achieved good results, are as follows. Materials and Methods 1. Clinical data Patients Female, 25 years old, the skin color slightly darker, upper and lower jaw buccal gingival banding tan pigmentation, no systemic disease, no history of drug allergy, non-alcoholic drinks and tobacco without tea , Drink coffee and other beverages containing color drinks.