选取70尾2年龄以上的褐牙鲆,测量了全长(X1)、体长、头长(X3)、吻长、体高、尾柄高(X6)和体质量(Y)7项生长性状.采用相关分析、通径分析和多元回归分析,剔除了与全长有共线性的体长及回归方程中不显著的吻长和体高,计算了全长、体长、头长等6个性状与体质量的相关系数以及以全长、头长和尾柄高对体质量通径系数和决定系数,定量分析褐牙鲆生长性状对体质量的影响.结果表明,褐牙鲆6个生长性状均与体质量的相关系数有统计学意义(P<0.01);头长对体质量的直接影响(0.365)最大;3个主要生长性状与体质量的决定系数和为0.948.应用逐步多元回归方法,建立了全长、头长和尾柄高对体质量的线性回归方程:Y=-4 123.461+34.115X1+168.733X3+412.045X6,相关系数R=0.974.
Totally 70 long-tailed Paralichthys olivaceus adults aged 2 years and above were selected to study the growth characteristics of the full-length (X1), body length, head length (X3), kiss length, height, caudal height (X6) and body weight (Y) Correlation analysis, path analysis and multivariate regression analysis were used to deduct the length of body length and the unidentified kisses and body height in the regression equation, the total length, body length and head length were calculated. The correlation coefficients of body weight and the effects of growth length, head length and caudal height on body weight coefficient of path and coefficient of determination were used to quantitatively analyze the effects of growth traits on the body weight of Paralichthys olivaceus (P <0.01). The direct effect of head length on body weight was the highest (0.365), and the coefficient of determination of the three main growth traits and body weight was 0.948.Using the stepwise multiple regression method, A linear regression equation of full length, head length and caudal height to body weight was established: Y = -4 123.461 + 34.115X1 + 168.733X3 + 412.045X6, and the correlation coefficient R = 0.974.