一年一度的春运开始了,运输业又进入最繁忙的时期,相较于飞机、火车的一票难求,公路客运以其灵活、机动的调度模式成为人们春节回家团聚的最后保证。那么,承载着人们回家希望的大客,现阶段处于怎样的技术水平呢?处于激烈竞争中的客运业者又会选择怎样的客车来服务于乘客呢?笔者带着这样的疑问,就金旅XML61 1 9E2AH型豪华旅游公路客车采访了深汕高速客运有限公司的车技部刘部长、驾驶员尹先生等数人。XML6119E2AH型豪华旅游公路客车,是由厦门金旅生产。该款车前脸充满欧式风情,圆润饱满,利用有力的块面进行分割,赋予了客车力度感和雕塑感;两个组合式前大灯,融入了跑车的设计理念,刚猛而神气;大
The annual Spring Festival has begun, and the transport industry has entered the busiest period. Compared with the hard-fought demand of airplanes and trains, the road passenger transport has become the final guarantee for people to come home during the Spring Festival with its flexible and mobile dispatch mode. So, what kind of technical level is the big passenger who carries the hope of people coming home? What kind of passenger car will be served by passengers in the fierce competition? XML61 1 9E2AH Luxury Travel Road Bus interviewed the Shenzhen-Shantou High-speed Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. Liu Minister, Mr. Yin and other drivers of several people. XML6119E2AH Luxury Travel Road Bus, is produced by Xiamen Golden Brigade. The car front face full of European style, full and round, the use of powerful block surface segmentation, giving the bus a sense of strength and sculpture; two headlamps combined, into the sports car design concept, fierce and arrogant; large