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冬小麦小花发育的不同时期遇到土壤干旱,对小花总数没有明显影响。但各处理间在成花数和结实数上的差异十分显著,以小花两极分化期缺水,对成花数下降影响最大;小花分化期缺水,穗粒数减少最多。除土壤水分不足直接地影响成花与结实外,还由于缺水阻碍了植株对氮、磷的吸收。各处理在缺水期间茎鞘中的硝态氮、氨基酸、全氮和无机磷的含量都低于对照。可见,缺水造成的开花、结实率低,在很大程度上也是营养条件恶化的结果。土壤水分亏缺所造成的水分、养分的短缺,使植株各器官的生长量减少,但却加速了发育进程,从而导致发育不完善的小花增加,最终造成穗粒数下降。 Winter wheat floret development encountered different periods of soil drought, the total number of small flowers had no significant effect. However, there was a significant difference in the number of flowers between the treatments and the number of sturdy ones. The water shortage during the period of floret polarization had the greatest effect on the decrease of flower number. In addition to soil moisture directly affect the flowering and fruiting, but also due to lack of water hinder the plant’s absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus. The contents of nitrate nitrogen, amino acids, total nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus in stems and sheaths of the treatments were all lower than those of the control. Can be seen that the water flowering caused by lack of water, seed setting rate is low, to a large extent, is the result of deterioration of nutritional conditions. Soil water deficit caused by the lack of water and nutrients, so that the growth of various organs of plants to reduce, but it accelerated the development process, resulting in less developed florets increased, eventually resulting in decreased grains per spike.
2008年9月的一天,我排着队在操场上做早操。徐菁老师走到我面前,她要我参加校模特队的训练。我身高1.78米,虽然个子高,却从没想过要走模特这条路,学校有模特这个专业,我压根没动过报考的念头,而是选择了酒店管理。我告诉徐老师:我不会模特,我打过排球,要不你让我进排球队打排球行吗?徐老师告诉我:根据你的条件可能更适合进模特队。  自己没有任何模特比赛的经历和经验,在舞台上、在镜头面前还不适应,站在舞
In this paper, the nonlinear control of chaotic oscillations was investigated by using the input output linearization control method. The chaotic attitude of a
本文论述了网络编辑舆情管理面临的挑战,提出了网络编辑舆情管理的目标和方法,总结了网络编辑舆情管理的原则。 This article discusses the challenges that network edito
【目的】通过研究韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang成虫对不同有机肥的趋性,为田间通过施肥防治韭菜迟眼蕈蚊提供理论依据。【方法】选取13种有机肥为实验材料