某石油设备有限公司属国有股份有限公司,该公司产品主要为石油机械设备,兼有部分来料加工项目。公司现有各类电焊机96台(其中郑州时代产二氧化碳保护电焊机76台,三相交流380 V±10%,频率50 Hz,额定输入功率24.4KVA,额定输入电流37 A,二氧化碳气体流量15~20 L/min;焦作产手工电弧焊机10台,三相交流380 V±15%,频率50/60 Hz,额定输入功率9.4 KVA;山东嘉祥产交流电焊机8台,自动埋弧焊机2台),分布于该公司7个生产车间。其中62台置于车间厂房外空地上,34台置于车间厂房内,从业人
A petroleum equipment Co., Ltd. is a state-owned Co., Ltd., the company’s products are mainly oil machinery and equipment, both part of the processing projects. The company has 96 sets of all kinds of welding machines (of which 76 are carbon dioxide protection welding machines of Zhengzhou Times, 380 V ± 10% of three-phase AC, 50 Hz of rated frequency, 24.4KVA of rated input power, 37 A of rated input current and 15 ~ 20 L / min; Jiaozuo 10 manual arc welding machines, three-phase AC 380 V ± 15%, frequency 50/60 Hz, rated input power 9.4 KVA; Shandong Jiaxiang AC welding machine 8, 2), distributed in the company’s seven production plants. 62 of them were placed in the outer space of the workshop and 34 in the workshop of the workshop, practitioners