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我是一名小学五年级的语文老师,在十多年的教育生涯中,我送走了一届又一届的学生,处理过许多学生的矛盾和问题,也遇到过许多小学生犯错的案例,如:上网吧、下河洗澡、偷东西、打群架、吃零食、损公物……上述所为的孩子90%都是留守儿童,大多都是由爷爷奶奶或者外公外婆抚养教育的,即“隔代教育”的孩子。在中国飞速发展的今天,许多年轻的父母都投入工作、忙于奋斗,忽略了对孩子的教育和抚养,把孩子交给爷爷奶奶或者外公外 I am a fifth-grade language teacher in primary school. During the more than 10 years of my education, I sent away the students who have gone through the sessions and dealt with the contradictions and problems of many students. I also encountered many cases of mistakes Such as: Internet cafes, bathing under the river, stealing things, fighting groups, eating snacks, damage to public property ... ... 90% of the children are left behind for the children, mostly by grandparents or grandparents care education, that is, Every generation of education "child. Today, with the rapid development of China, many young parents are engaged in work, busy with work, ignoring their education and support, leaving their children to grandparents or outsiders
[摘要]  本文以价值链为视角,把知识产权研究从法律角度延伸到经营管理的角度,阐述了其中的理论逻辑,并将价值链管理的思想和方法從传统制造业引入文化产业,根据文化产业的特殊性以及文化产业价值链上的主要价值活动及其价值创造能力,总结了目前文化产业知识产权管理在管理理念、知识产权转化与市场交易体系建设、支持系统等方面存在的问题并提出了相应的建议和提升路径。  [关键词]  文化产业 知识产权 价值链