
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanstarseanstar
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Raman Scattering Light Intensity Extrema Method used to determine the orientation of a thin layer with a diamond structure is extended to the zincblende structure. The Raman scattering light intensities of LO and TO phonons for a zincblende-structured thin layer as functions of both the orientation of this layer and the polarization direction of the incident light have been derived. Then the orientation of the layer is determined by means of the extrema of these functions. The obtained result of GaP wafers using this method is compared with that determined by the X-ray method, thus showing a quite satisfactory agreement of orientation. Raman Scattering Light Intensity Extrema Method used to determine the orientation of a thin layer with a diamond structure is extended to the zincblende structure. The Raman scattering light intensities of LO and TO phonons for a zincblende-structured thin layer as functions of both the orientation of this layer and the polarization direction of the incident light have been derived. The obtained result of the layer is determined by means of the extrema of these functions. The obtained result of GaP wafers using this method is compared with that determined by the X- ray method, thus showing a quite satisfactory agreement of orientation.
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