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2012年8月9日,上海证券报报道《页岩气革命波及全球中国能源结构面临战略调整》,文章中提及浙江海越股份有限公司(以下简称“海越”)可能会参加第二轮页岩气招标:“70多家企业意向报名者中,有国企,也有民企,民企如广汇能源、宏华集团、浙江海越等。此外,名单中不乏非油气经营企业,如五大电力央企和神华、中煤等煤炭央企。”2012年10月16日晚,海越发布公告:公司已与拥有石油天然气或气体矿产勘查资质的浙江省有色金属地质勘探局等公司签署了《合作协议》,约定由公司以投标人的身份,共同参与本次国土资源部页岩气探 On August 9, 2012, Shanghai Securities News reported that “the shale gas revolution has spurred the strategic adjustment of the global energy structure in China.” The article mentioned that Zhejiang Haoyue Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Haitian”) may participate in the “ Two rounds of shale gas tender: ”More than 70 companies intend to sign up, there are state-owned enterprises, but also private enterprises, private enterprises such as Guanghui Energy, Honghua Group, Zhejiang and Vietnam, etc. In addition, the list there are many non-oil and gas companies, such as The top five power central enterprises and Shenhua, China Coal and other central enterprises of coal. “” The evening of October 16, 2012, the more notice issued by the sea: the company has oil and gas or gas mineral exploration qualified Zhejiang Nonferrous Metals Geological Exploration Bureau and other companies signed “Cooperation Agreement”, agreed by the company as a bidder, to participate in this Ministry of Land Resources shale gas exploration
目的 :探讨进驻高原不同海拔高度不同居住时间健康青年血清肌红蛋白 (Mb)及乳酸 (BLA)水平的变化。方法 :对从平原进驻海拔 3 70 0m和 5 380m高原第 7天及 6个月的 40名官兵
目的 探讨口服Ⅱ型胶原 (CⅡ )诱导的免疫耐受抑制佐剂性关节炎 (AA)过程中 ,外周淋巴组织尤其是肠相关淋巴组织 (GALT)和病变关节中免疫病理、Th细胞亚群种类及其细胞因子
A clean,efficient method to synthesize 2-amino-4H-3,1-benzothiazines by ytterbium chloride-catalyzed tandem addition-cyclization reaction of o-aminocinnamate an
陶氏公司的陶氏聚氨酯业务部门,日前推出了牌号为VORASIL的硅烷改性聚合物(SMP)。VORASL SMP是胶黏剂及密封胶解决方案的有效突破,是聚氨酯和硅烷端基的独一无二组合,拥有低