近几年来,临沧地区认真总结推广群众创造的新经验,探索出一条具有鲜明地方特色的消防工作新路子,在消防实践中发挥了群防群治的巨大威力。 长期以来。这个以山区为主的边疆地区消防工作难度大,任务重,一直是火灾的多发地区。据统计,1982年到1991年的10间,全区发生火灾896起,直接经济损失525万元。其中,农村火灾次数占总次数的90.5%,损失占总损失的63.5%。经过连续四年的努力,形势有了显著的变化,尤其是农村火灾居高不下的势头得到有效遏制,现在农村每年火灾数占总数的比例降为56.3%,损失占总损失的比例降为37.1%,保持了全区火灾基本稳定。为改革开放和经济建设创造了良好的消防安全环境。
In recent years, Lincang has earnestly summed up and popularized new experiences created by the masses, explored a new way of fire protection work with distinctive local characteristics, and exerted the great power of mass prevention and mass control in fire prevention practice. For a long time. This mountainous areas of the border areas of fire prevention work is difficult, heavy task, has been a fire multiple areas. According to statistics, from 1982 to 1991, there were 896 fires in the whole district with a direct economic loss of 5.25 million yuan. Among them, the number of rural fires accounted for 90.5% of the total number of times, accounting for 63.5% of the total losses. After four consecutive years of hard work, the situation has undergone significant changes. In particular, the momentum of high rural fires has been effectively checked. Nowadays, the annual percentage of fires in rural areas is reduced to 56.3% and the total loss lost to 37.1% %, Keeping the whole area of fire basically stable. For the reform and opening up and economic construction has created a good fire safety environment.