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在历代经、史、子、集以及裨官野史、笔记小说等类书籍中,常记载有古代劳动人民的医药经验,这部分资料却常被人所忽视。现将笔者所见及的一则资料提出来供读者参考。清康雍间湖南人青城子撰《聊斋补遗》卷五载有仙桃草治跌打损伤验案一则(验案文从略),文载:“仙桃草四五月间生麦田(开细白花或淡红花),叶绿茎红实大如椒形如桃,中有一小虫,宜在小暑节十三日内取之,先期则无虫,后时则虫飞出,趁未坼采之烘干研末藏以待用。一切跌打损伤服一二钱可以起死回生”云云。又清道咸间贺县 In ancient books, histories, sub-assemblies, and essays on official histories and novels, the ancient medical records of the working people are often recorded. This part of the information is often overlooked. Now I see and the information presented for readers reference. Qing Kang Yung-ching Hunan Qingcheng Zi “Liao vegetarian Addendum” Volume V contains Xiantao Zengchuan injury damage a (check the text slightly omitted), text contained: “Xiantao grass born in April and May wheat fields (open white flowers or Pink flowers), stems and leaves of red-green, such as peppers Peach shape, there is a bug, it should be taken within 13 days of the Xiahetu Festival, no worms in advance, after the insects fly out, Doing research at the end of Tibetan possession to be used. All bruises damage clothing one or two money back to life, ”and so forth. And Qing Xian salty He County