目的探讨早期运动干预对学龄前唐氏综合症儿童适应行为的影响。方法以《儿童适应行为评定量表》为测评工具,通过实验法对6名学龄前唐氏综合症(DS)儿童进行了2年的早期运动干预,并与同龄的7名DS儿童和16名健康正常儿童进行了跟踪对比。结果 DS儿童的适应行为在各个测评阶段均显著落后于同龄健康正常儿童,但干预组被试的独立、认知、社会自制三项功能以及适应商(ADQ)在干预后的各阶段明显强于对照组(P<0.05~0.01)。结论早期运动干预可发展DS儿童的适应行为能力。
Objective To investigate the effect of early exercise intervention on adaptive behavior of preschool children with Down Syndrome. Methods Six children with pre-school-age Down Syndrome (DS) were subjected to 2-year early-stage exercise intervention using the “Children’s Adaptive Behavior Rating Scale” as a testing tool, and were compared with 7 DS children and 16 Healthy normal children were compared. Results The adaptive behavior of DS children significantly lagged behind that of normal healthy children at all stages of evaluation. However, the intervention group had significantly higher independent, cognitive and social self-efficacy and ADQ during each stage after intervention Control group (P <0.05 ~ 0.01). Conclusion Early exercise intervention can develop DS children’s adaptive abilities.