1 一般资料 118例中男52例,女66例;年龄为3~68岁,11~40岁者93例占78.81%。病期长短不等,1~5年者66例占55.93%,最长30年,最短,个月,有3例出生即有。大多数为缓慢起病共80例占67.8%。有家族史者14例占11.86%。全身任何部位均可发病1以面颈四肢暴露部位较多。多数病人有多处病灶,全身散发者7例。2 治疗方法 南京灯具厂生产的光化治疗机局部型,荧光灯管15个,每个40瓦,照光(长波紫外线)前30分钟病处涂0.5%8-Mop霜,距离30cm,时间7分钟,每周3次。每个治疗量3次后若无不良反应则增加3~5分钟,直至45分钟,10次为一疗程。
1 General information of 118 cases, 52 males and 66 females; aged 3 to 68 years, 93 patients aged 11 to 40 accounted for 78.81%. Duration of disease ranging from 1 to 5 years, 66 cases accounted for 55.93%, up to 30 years, the shortest, months, there are 3 cases of birth. Most of the slow onset of a total of 80 cases accounted for 67.8%. Family history of 14 cases accounted for 11.86%. Any part of the body can be disease 1 to expose more parts of the face and neck limbs. Most patients have multiple lesions, systemic body in seven cases. 2 Treatment Photolysis machine produced by Nanjing Lamps Plant Local, fluorescent tubes 15, each 40 watts, light (UVA) 30 minutes before the disease coated 0.5% 8-Mop cream, distance 30cm, time 7 minutes, 3 times a week. Each treatment volume 3 times without adverse reactions increased by 3 to 5 minutes until 45 minutes, 10 times for a course of treatment.