目前,冰点心生产还不够普遍,品种还不多。相信随着人们的生活需要和旅游事业的发展,冰点心这枝冷饮之花,定会在食品行业中争芳吐艳。冰点心制作工艺冰点心是一种造型美观,花样繁多的成型的冷冻食品。不同类型的产品在加工工艺上也有较大的区别,简介如下,供参考。 (一)清型(以梅花冰点为例) 清型冰点加工、成型过程是以普通冰淇淋料为基础,通过各种形状的模具一次成型。 1.产品配方(1000个、每个2两)。砂糖40斤奶粉7斤明胶0.4斤淀粉6斤糖精15克香兰素25克 2.工艺流程。原料预处理→配料→杀菌(巴氏杀菌
At present, the production of ice dessert is not universal enough, not many species. Believe that with the needs of people’s lives and the development of tourism, ice cream dessert flowers, will fight in the food industry vomit Yan. Ice dessert production process Ice dessert is a beautiful shape, a variety of shaped frozen foods. Different types of products in the processing technology also have a greater distinction, the following is for reference. (A) clear type (with plum freezing point as an example) clear type freezing point processing, forming process is based on ordinary ice cream material, through a variety of shapes mold forming. 1. Product recipe (1000, each 2 two). Sugar 40 pounds of milk powder 7 pounds gelatin 0.4 kg starch 6 pounds of sweetener 15 grams of vanillin 25 grams 2. Process. Raw material pretreatment → ingredients → sterilization (pasteurization