手机与社会等级 3000多年前,古埃及统治者日常要用印章盖印,以示自己超然的身份和地位。 此后,他们便索性将印章套在手上,在公众面前招摇过世,后来逐渐演变成戒指的形式。 16世纪,文艺复兴在整个欧洲方兴未艾,人们从思想上开始突破禁欲主义的束缚,露胸装受到青睐,面料,羊毛、丝绸和各类动物皮毛则有幸感受上层人的体温,而绵纤维是可悲的贫民阶层的标志。 30年代,镀铬的鸡尾酒杯,白色滚边马甲,苏格兰牧民闲暇时发明的高尔夫球,是身份的象征。
Cell Phones and Social Levels More than 3,000 years ago, the rulers of ancient Egypt used their stamps to show their transcendental status and status. Since then, they simply set the seal on their hands, shaken before the public, and later gradually evolved into the form of a ring. The 16th century, the Renaissance in the ascendant throughout Europe, people began to break through the shackles of asceticism, favored by the chest, the fabric, wool, silk and fur of all kinds of animals are experiencing the upper body temperature, while the cotton fiber is sad The sign of the poor people. In the 1930s, chromed cocktail glasses, white piping vests, and golf balls invented by Scottish pastoralists in their spare time were symbols of status.