当音乐跨入崭新的二十一世纪时,你想成为一个卓越的作曲家, 熟练地操作电脑可能是必不可少的条件了。就象你现在随意地演奏你最擅长的乐器或哼唱 你最熟悉的小曲一样轻松。多媒体计算机是信息系统的终端设备,是信息时代人们必须依靠的得力助 手,只有计算机才能使你的音乐思维得到无限的延伸,那时候凡是你想要得到甚至暂时无法想象的音乐效果,都会经过MiDi通道,用监听音箱、荧屏显示和扫描复制等方式,极其准确和完美地将你所需要的音响、图像和乐谱
When music enters the new twenty-first century, you want to be a great composer and manipulating your computer proficiently may be an essential condition. Just as easily as you are playing your favorite instrument or humming the song you are most familiar with right now. Multimedia Computer is the terminal device of information system. It is an effective assistant people must rely on in the information age. Only the computer can make your music thinking infinitely extend. At that time, any music you want to get even temporarily unimaginable will pass MiDi Channel, with monitor speakers, screen display and scan copy, etc., extremely accurate and perfect will you need sound, image and music