在举国欢腾热烈庆祝建国五十周年之际,我们出版了国庆特刊。本期特刊发表的回顾上海郊区五十年奋斗历程的文章,从不同的角度展示了经济社会发展的伟大成就,总结了五十年发展的经验,展望了迈向新世纪的灿烂前景。 五十年来,上海郊区从获得解放到进行土地改革,从实行农业合作化到建立人
As the nation celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the People Republic of China, we have published a special issue of the National Day. The articles published in this special issue reviewing the struggles in Shanghai’s suburbs during the past 50 years exemplify the great achievements in economic and social development from different angles and sum up the experience of 50 years of development and look forward to the brilliant prospect of marching toward the new century. In the past fifty years, from the liberation of Shanghai to the land reform, from the agricultural cooperation to the establishment of people