10年建设,10年辉煌。建区以来,在区委、区政府“以经济建设为中心、以招商引资为先导”的正确思想指导下,龙岗区坚持“引进、优化、升级”的思路,以产业升级为中心,大力发展高新技术产业,加快传统产业改造升级,积极扶持民营科技企业等新兴力量的发展,同时不断优化投资环境和投资服务,加大招商引资力度,使工业经济保持了持续、快速、健康的增长势头。 10年来,龙岗区工业经济以高速度持续增长,经济总量不断壮大。2002年工业总产值达420.48亿元,比1993年的47.17亿元增长7.49倍,平均每年递增26.83%,工业增加值由1993年的17.5亿元增加到了2002年的146.7亿元,增长了7.38倍,年递增26.64%。 工业主导地位日益凸现 随着工业快速增长,工业经济对国民经济的贡献与推动不断增强,基础与主导地位日益巩固。以工业为主的第二产业占整体经济比重和工业对GDP的直接贡献,由前期的快速增加到后期稳定在接近60%的水平上,体现了龙岗经
10 years of construction, 10 years of glory. Since the establishment of the district, under the guidance of the correct thinking of “taking economic construction as the center and investment promotion as the guide”, Longgang District adheres to the idea of “introducing, optimizing and upgrading”, takes industry upgrading as the center and develops vigorously Tech industries to speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and proactively support the development of emerging forces such as private technology enterprises. In the meantime, the investment environment and investment services should be continuously optimized and investment promotion efforts should be stepped up so that the industrial economy maintained a sustained, rapid and healthy growth momentum. In the past 10 years, the industrial economy in Longgang District has continued to grow at a high speed and its total economy has grown continuously. The total industrial output value in 2002 reached 42.048 billion yuan, an increase of 7.49 times that of 4.771 billion yuan in 1993 and an average annual increase of 26.83%. The industrial added value increased from 1.75 billion yuan in 1993 to 14.67 billion yuan in 2002, an increase of 7.38 times , An increase of 26.64% annually. Industrial dominance is increasingly prominent With the rapid industrial growth, the contribution and promotion of industrial economy to the national economy continue to increase, and the foundation and dominance are increasingly consolidated. The secondary industry-based secondary industry accounted for the overall economic weight and the direct contribution of industry to GDP from a rapid increase in the early period to a level close to 60% in the latter part of the year,