研究对铅 -闪烁光纤夹层电磁量能器能量纵向泄漏的纠正 .对AMS0 2电磁量能器 2 0 0 2年束流测试的数据进行了分析 ,用Γ函数拟合的方法和末层沉积能量法对量能器的能量纵向泄漏进行了修正 .经过修正后的能量线性变好 ,能量分辨率显著提高 .末层沉积能量法对于能量分辨率的提高效果更为明显 .
The correction of the longitudinal energy leakage of the lead-scintillation fiber sandwich electromagnetic energy was studied.The data of beaming test of AMS0 2 electromagnetic energy source in 2000 was analyzed, the method of Γ function fitting and the deposition energy The method rectifies the energy longitudinal leakage of the energy device, and the energy resolution improves significantly after the corrected energy becomes linear.The effect of the final deposition energy method on energy resolution is more obvious.