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山药属芋类,原名薯蓣,因唐代宗名李豫,为避讳改称薯药。至宋代,又因宋英宗名赵曙,遂改今名山药。山药又名淮山药、薯蓣、芋、淮山等,足有20多个名字。我国是山药的故乡,食用山药已有3000多年历史,早在战国至秦汉时期成书的《山海经》中就有薯蓣的文字记载。山药为补虚佳品,又分为长块山药、块根山药、扁根薯3种。宋代朱熹曾赞美山药色像玉,香似花,甜如蜜,味胜羊羹。其食用价值,一方面在于它的营养,另一方面在于它的食疗作用。 我国古代的中药典籍,都将山药作为食物药记载,《神农本草经》中载山药“久服耳目聪明”,并将其列为上品。《日华子本草》说它“助五脏、强筋骨、长志安神,主健精”。祖国医学认为,山药味甘、性平,具有健脾、补肺、固肾、益精等多种功效,对肺虚咳嗽、脾虚泄泻、肾虚遗精、带下及小便频繁等症有治疗作用。中成 Yam is a kind of oyster, formerly known as yam, because of the name of the Tang Dynasty Li Yu, in order to avoid being renamed potato medicine. In the Song Dynasty, because of the name of Song Yingzong, Zhao Kuang changed his name to Yam. Yam also known as yam medicine, yam, wolfberry, yam, etc., there are more than 20 names. China is the hometown of yam and has 3,000 years of history as a yam. As early as the “Shan Hai Jing” that became a book during the period from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a written record of yams. Yam is a tonic and it is divided into three kinds: long yam, tuberous yam, and flat root potato. In the Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi had praised the yam color like jade, sweet like flowers, sweet as honey, and delicious wins sheep. Its food value, on the one hand, lies in its nutrition, on the other hand, its therapeutic effect. Ancient Chinese medicine classics, all recorded as a food medicine yam, “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” contained yam “long service and smart eyes” and its top grade. “Japan Children’s Herbal Medicine” said that it “helped the five internal organs, strong bones and bones, long Zhi An God, the main Jian Jing.” The motherland medicine believes that yam is sweet and flat and has a variety of effects such as strengthening the spleen, invigorating the lungs, fixing kidney, and replenishing sperm, and has a therapeutic effect on lung deficiency and cough, spleen deficiency diarrhea, kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, vaginal discharge, and frequent urination. . Zhongcheng
1.汉防己:味甘辛、性寒。具降血压、除风湿作用。有效成分是汉防己甲素。口服、肌肉或静脉注射都有明显作用,而且有镇痛、消炎、扩张冠状动脉等多方面作用。 2.钩藤;味甘、
近年来,医学专家通过大量的临床实践证明,很多中药可以通过降脂作用而预防缺血性中风,如草决明、何首乌、银杏叶、泽泻、大黄、红花、蒲黄、山楂、麦芽和月见草等。 In rec
灵芝是一种古老的名贵中药材,它被历代医家视为医疗保健珍品。我国较早的一部药典《神农本草经》将其列为上品,谓之“救命草”;明代大医药学家李时珍把它称为“仙草”。 现
灵芝孢子乃灵芝繁衍后代的雌雄配子 ,换句话说 :孢子就是灵芝的种子。灵芝孢子大小仅几个微米 ,肉眼看不到(1000个孢子相当于一根头发丝) ,过去收集孢子很难 ,1000公斤灵芝才能收集1公斤
社会的进步和发展是当今世界各国都面临的问题。本文从社会经济、人口增长、科学技术、社会持续发展的因素出发阐述了如何实现这种持续发展。 Social progress and developm