一、国债项目管理中存在的主要问题 目前,从国债项目实施情况来看,各地区、各部门对国债项目建设都非常重视,总的管理情况是好的,但也有个别地方、部门和项目单位由于对国家有关政策、制度掌握得不好,在管理上仍存在一些问题。 1.执行基本建设审批程序不严格,个别项目没
First, the main problems in the management of national debt Currently, from the implementation of national debt projects, all regions and departments attach great importance to the construction of national debt, the overall management is good, but there are also some localities, departments and project units Due to the poor management of relevant state policies and systems, there are still some problems in management. 1. The implementation of capital construction approval process is not strict, individual projects did not