如果把三星P528手机比喻成一位绅士的话,那么这位绅士除了身材硬朗有型以外,肯定还是身着Giorgio Armani西装的。科技和时尚结合是当下最热的趋势,手机不再是传递信息的工具,同时也是展示品味的最好机会,想想看,人们看到你电话的机会远比看到你首饰的机会大得多。所以我们会看到著名一线国际品牌Giorgio Armani与三星的深度合作,其结果就是诞生了这款三星P528。
If the Samsung P528 mobile phone analogy into a gentleman, then the gentleman in addition to sturdy figure, certainly wearing a Giorgio Armani suit. The combination of technology and fashion is the hottest trend of the day, with cellphones no longer a tool for delivering information and the best chance to showcase taste, and the chances that people see you on the phone are far greater than the chances of seeing your jewelery many. So we will see the famous first-line international brand Giorgio Armani and Samsung’s depth of cooperation, the result is the birth of the Samsung P528.