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目的了解2015年北京市门头沟区肠道门诊腹泻病例发病特征,为腹泻疾病的预防控制提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法,选取2015年门头沟区肠道门诊的腹泻病例资料进行统计分析。结果腹泻疾病谱中胃肠功能紊乱比例最高,占48.44%;其次为腹泻待查,占30.59%;再次为其他感染性腹泻病,占9.57%。发病率居前3位地区依次为大峪办事处、永定镇和龙泉镇;病例主要集中在20~29、0~9和30~39、50~59岁组;职业以家务及待业、离退人员、散居儿童发病为主,流行高峰集中在5-8月。可疑危险食品是熟食冷荤、凉拌菜、水果蔬菜。可疑进食地点是家里、小餐馆、流动摊贩和路边摊位。病原学检测细菌检出率为9.58%,其中肠致泻性大肠杆菌占43.75%、沙门菌占31.25%、副溶血性弧菌占25.00%。病毒检出率为26.45%,其中轮状病毒占12.50%;诺如病毒占87.50%。结论每年5-8月份,该区应加强高发地区家务及待业、离退人员、散居儿童的腹泻疾病防控工作,并采取综合预防控制措施。 Objective To understand the incidence of diarrhea cases in the gastroenterology clinic in Mentougou District of Beijing in 2015 and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of diarrhea diseases. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to select the data of diarrhea cases in 2015 in Mentougou district for statistical analysis. Results The proportion of gastrointestinal disorders in diarrhea disease spectrum was the highest, accounting for 48.44%, followed by diarrhea for 30.59% and again for other infectious diarrhea cases, accounting for 9.57%. The top three areas were Daiyu Office, Yongding Town and Longquan Town in the top three cases. The cases were mainly concentrated in the groups of 20-29, 0-9 and 30-39, and 50-59 years old. The occupations were mainly household and unemployed, Personnel, diaspora mainly children, the prevalence of the peak concentrated in May-August. Suspected dangerous food is cooked cold meat, salad, fruits and vegetables. Suspicious places to eat are at home, diners, mobile street vendors and street stalls. The detection rate of etiological bacteria was 9.58%, which accounted for 43.75% of intestinal diarrhea Escherichia coli, Salmonella accounted for 31.25%, Vibrio parahaemolyticus accounted for 25.00%. The detection rate of the virus was 26.45%, of which Rotavirus accounted for 12.50% and Norovirus accounted for 87.50%. Conclusion From May to August each year, the district should strengthen prevention and control of diarrheal diseases in domestic and unemployed, scattered children living in high-risk areas and take comprehensive prevention and control measures.
什么是红木  我们家附近开了一家红木家具店。我进去一看,一屋子的非洲红木、巴西花梨,还有鸡翅木的沙发。我问店家:“红木在哪儿呢?”店家说:“这不都是红木吗?”这就存在着一个什么是红木的问题。  在过去的古玩行,只把当下所谓的“红酸枝”叫红木。就像玩瓷器的,“官窑”在宋代专指北宋和南宋时在京城汴京(汴梁,今开封)和临安(今杭州)由宫廷设窑烧制的青瓷,故又有“旧官”和“新官”之分。前者为北宋官窑,后者
早春,清理荷塘的工人  ——有所寄  不要和他说现在是早春。许多人在草地上漫步  而他在劳动,在清理荷塘里枯萎的荷叶与黑黑的荷梗  他皱着眉头,因为荷梗里的刺不时地扎到他  但他不出声  不要和他说荷花有多高洁,多美丽  不要和他说“出淤泥而不染”的句子  他在劳动,在尽量把腐烂的荷叶踩到脚下  踩进污泥里,他在尽量  把这口池塘清理干净  春天刚来,需要清理的东西很多  请不要打扰他野 草  野
本文利用矢量信号正交分解的原理实现LINC发射机中的信号分解.以Altera公司的QuartusⅡ 7.2作为编译、仿真平台,选用Straxix Ⅱ系列中的EP2S60F6器件进行硬件实现,采用数据归