今年是中国共产党八十华诞。寻根思源,人们自然追忆起“南陈北李、相约建党”的史迹,感念先驱者探索真理再造中华的艰辛。 “铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”。李大钊(字守常)忠实地履践了他的这一人生格言,以生命殉主义,以文章传天下。作为中国共产党主要创始人之一,他的信仰、事业、牺牲乃至个性、品德,在近百年中国人民当中产生了巨大的影响。他的英名作为共产党人的象征和楷模彪炳史册,永存人们心中。近日,笔者有幸披览了珍藏在中国革命博物馆的一件有关大钊的墨宝长卷,更加深了我对先烈的
This year is the 80th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party. In search of root causes, people naturally recall the historical monuments of “South Chen and North Li, meeting for building the Party” and appreciate the arduousness of pioneers in exploring the truth and rebuilding China. “Iron shoulder do justice, Miaoshou article ”. Li Dazhao (the word customary) faithfully to carry out his life motto, to life martyrdom, the article passed to the world. As one of the main founders of the Chinese Communist Party, his beliefs, careers, sacrifices and even personality and morality have had a tremendous impact on the Chinese people in the past century. His name, as a symbol of the Communists and a model to keep abreast of history, forever in people’s minds. Recently, I was fortunate enough to have an excerpt of a long scroll of ink collected in the Museum of Chinese Revolution, which deepened my understanding of martyrs