
来源 :电子显微学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ksxxccna
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目的 :观察波形纤维蛋白转基因小鼠 (下称 VTg M)白内障晶状体的超微结构变化。方法 :用微注射法将鸡的波形纤维蛋白基因导入小鼠的受精卵中 ,获得 2 0只白内障小鼠。应用超薄切片透射电镜技术 ,观察 VTg M晶状体的超微结构改变。结果 :VTg M晶状体上皮细胞呈多层排列 ,细胞内有粗大的线粒体 ,晶状体皮质内有核细胞成团堆集 ,胞浆内有大量细胞器 ,特别是线粒体、溶酶体。晶体状纤维细胞排列紊乱 ,核伸长不完全。纤维的规则板层结构消失 ,出现大量的髓鞘样结构。结论 :外源性波形纤维蛋白的表达影响了晶状体上皮细胞的分化 ,使晶状体纤维细胞脱核 ,脱细胞器受抑制 ,晶状体纤维排列紊乱 ,导致白内障形成 OBJECTIVE: To observe the ultrastructural changes of cataractous lens in waveform fibrin transgenic mouse (VTg M). Methods: The chicken wavy fibrin gene was introduced into the fertilized eggs of mice by microinjection to obtain 20 cataract mice. Ultrathin section transmission electron microscopy was used to observe the ultrastructural changes of VTg M lens. Results: VTg M lens epithelial cells arranged in multiple layers, the cells have coarse mitochondria, nucleated cells within the lens cilia mass accumulation, a large number of cytoplasm organelles, especially mitochondria, lysosomes. Disordered crystalline fiber cells, nuclear elongation is not complete. The regular lamellar structure of the fibers disappears and a large number of myelin-like structures appear. CONCLUSION: The expression of exogenous vimentin affects the differentiation of lens epithelial cells, demyelination of lens fiber cells, inhibition of organelles, disordered lens fibers and cataract formation
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组织护士英语演讲赛的体会杨顺秋,李若惠关键词护士;继续教育;英语;演讲Keywords:NurseContinuingeducationEnglishLecture组织好护士英语学习,是护理人员继续教育的一项重要内容,是加强护士素质培养,促进护理学科... The experienc
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