Patient, female, 38 years old. Due to repeated palpitation, chest tightness with dizziness 10 years, increased in January admission. Chest tightness and dizziness were paroxysmal, each lasting several minutes. Nearly a month, paroxysmal palpitation and dizziness even more apparent. Physical examination: the general condition is good, blood pressure 16.0 / 10.7kPa (120 / 80mmHg), heart rate 65 beats / min, law Qi, premature ejaculation, heart is not big, the valve area is not heard and pathological murmur, Liver and spleen not yet. For the first electrocardiogram (Figure 1): R_1R_2 showed sinus rhythm, P-R0.16 seconds, heart rate 67 beats / min. R_3 large deformity, premature ventricular contractions appear in the inverted