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党史资料的鉴定、分类与排架,是党史资料整理工作的重要环节,现结合自己管理党史资料的实践,谈点肤浅认识。一、党史资料归档前的签定党史资料的鉴定,就是区别党史资料的不同价值,把无价值的剔除,并根据价值大小进行分类保管,这是党史资料整理工作关键性的环节。做好鉴定工作必须坚持5查:1.查原件。原件是一次性文献,具有历史查考和凭证依据作用,其中孤本原件极为珍贵,应当作重点整理、保管。2.查重份。资料经审查鉴定后,就需要清理重份,把重份放在一起。3.查破损。有些党史资料是革命者冒着生命危险保存下来的,因天长日久,已陈旧发 The identification, classification and arrangement of the data of the party history are important links in the work of sorting out the data of the history of the party. In light of the practice of managing the data of the party history, we should talk about the superficial understanding. First, the history of the archival documents before the signing of the identification of party history information, is to distinguish the different values ​​of the party history information, the value of the exclusion, and according to the size of the value of the custody of the classification, which is the key links in the organization of historical data . Do a good job of identification must adhere to 5 search: 1. Check the original. The original is a one-time document, with a historical basis for examination and evidence, of which the original original is extremely precious, should be focused on finishing, custody. 2. Check duplicate copies. After the data are examined and appraised, it is necessary to clean up the duplicates and put the duplicates together. 3. Check damage. Some party history information is revolutionary who risked their lives saved, because of the age-old, have been old hair
保护公安民警执法权益,事涉诸多方面和部门,必须高度重视并采取有力措施。 To protect the law enforcement rights and interests of public security police, involving m
《消灾》一文短小而普通,全篇没有刻意的描写和斑斓的画卷,却如嚼着一颗青橄榄—让人久久地回味它的清香。 《消灾》的作者,是一位战斗在社会前沿的公安分局局长,而该文记下的则
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夜已深。 没有雨,空气却异常潮湿,也许是因为刚下了雪。 这是今年入冬以来的第一场雪。 南方的雪和北方的雪不一样。北边的雪踩在脚下,“吱嘎吱嘎地响;忒好听;而南面的雪,踩下去就