在板栗林内 ,采用营造混交林、实行间作和加强翻挖抚育 ,拣除断落栗苞 ,直接灭杀虫卵或幼虫等林业技术措施防治剪枝栎实象CyllorhynchitesursulusRoelofs可使栗苞受害率下降 75 37%~89 2 7%。
In the chestnut forest, the use of mixed forest, intercropping and strengthen the digging tending, remove the broken chestnut, directly kill eggs or larvae and other forestry technical measures to prevent and cure Quercus przewalskii like CyllorhynchitesursulusRoelofs can reduce the rate of chest buds 75 37% ~ 89 2 7%.