
来源 :技术经济与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szshm
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企业的发展和命运,往往与优秀企业家的深谋远虑与忧患意识分不开,尤其在这个国企改制如火如荼的时代中。出色的素质是一个企业家领导企业逆水行舟,奋发前进的前提。能用文笔记录这一段段的奋进史,是我们的心愿,也是我们的幸运。 The development and destiny of enterprises are often inseparable from the deep-mindedness and sense of worry of outstanding entrepreneurs, especially in this era of state-owned enterprise restructuring. Outstanding quality is the prerequisite for an entrepreneur to lead a company to go against the tide and advance hard. It is our wish and fortunate that we can use the essays to record the progress of this paragraph.